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Fausa Eleja season 1 (episode 1 & 2)

Episodes 1&2


The wisest person is not the one who has the fewest failures but the one who turns failures to best account. All humane things are subject to decay, And when fate summons, Monarchs must obey. This is my story……………..”The longer I live the more I see that I am never wrong about anything, and all the pains that I have so humbly taken to verify my notions have only wasted my time and ended it up here….”…….
…….I met her during our Gns classes when I was in 100 level in Funaab. We sat close to each other on the same seat. I began chatting with her during the class and, after the class,
we continued the chat. She said her name was seyi. I followed her to Colnas (College Of Natural science building). She said she was in MCB(micro biology). Few
days later, I asked her out, she refused. I already knew that’s how it would be. Girls like her are
very tough and hard to get. Before she accepted for us to date, it took about 4 months, after I have talked, begged and, all through that I never gave up on her, I love her. There
is something about her that is so different, this is the unique.
After the endless pressures. Finally she accepted; She called me on that faithful day, infact her call woke me up that morning. She told me she had something to tell me in school, that I should meet her at one of the eateries at SUB by 1pm.
After the day’s lecture, I headed for sub, I met her at one of the buka. I sat oppositely to her seat, I was anxious to hear what she had to say, I thought maybe she had a problem but that
was not it. She broke the news to me. That she has accepted to date me. I was so happy, so joyous. The way I screamed and hugged her, she was embarrassed but I never mind. People were just looking at us. I felt God has answered my
prayers. With all excitement, I told her to follow me home; thank God she wasn’t having any other lecture for the day; me too, I wasn’t having any other lectures. She agreed and, straight away we went to somorine.
We got to somorine junction with a cab. We entered a bike (okada). As I was talking with the Okada man, I was sure he noticed I was so excited, she couldn’t ask me why.
Both of us (me and seyi) got to my house. This is not her first time of coming to my house, she had been there couple of times but to her female friends. But this time, it was special. The visit was only for me and nobody else. We got to my
gate, the okada dropped us, I paid him while he left. As she wanted to enter inside my room, I did something hilarious

What i did was so hilarious. I drew her back, I told her that I want to carry her on my arms, she laughed. As she was laughing, I lifted and stretched my right hand to her back region and, my left hand to her kneels, shifted it and before she could say any word, she was already on my arms with her hands circled around my neck. She was screaming in joy and laughing as we entered through the gate. My fellow funaab housemates were outside;
they were all looking at me in surprise. Some began hailing me “bado, badoo of life”. I laughed as one of them shouted, “Romance in action”. She thought I would drop her at the steps to my flat but, mba! I carried her straight into my room with all joy and happiness. We didn’t have s-x. We just talked, made merriment. I cooked a nice Egusi soup for her, with chicken laps; we ate. Months later, in 200level, the relationship between i and seyi was going stronger and better. We were so fond of each other. I ordered her to moved from Camp where she was
staying to my own flat which she did without questioning.; she took one of the rooms a friend who graduated stayed. When she moved in, it made us closer. We stayed in the same house. Everything was so sweet until Fausa, “Fausa Eleja” just like we call her in my compound came into the picture. The sweetness between i and seyi turned sour when Fausa came in.. This is how it goes:……
This faithful Thursday, the rain just finished falling, i and two of my housemates were outside with our gate wide open. We were just looking at people
passing by across the gate. We were looking when 2 young girls, one carrying pepper and the other fried fish on her head were passing by the gate. One of my house mates, Deji. He said he would love to drink garri with fish. “Garri and fish.Ahhh for this cold weather” I said. We laughed. He went to the gate and called them. They came into the compound. Both the one selling the fish and pepper. Behold, the one selling the fish was so beautiful, fair in completion with hour glass shape; with oval facial shape and cute dimples, average in height. She was wearing a black trouser and white top, the clothes brought out her shape. I barely noticed the second girl with her because she never caught my attention.
Though the second girl was chocolate skin, she was wearing a red skirt and red top. As if she was going to secret cult meeting. I assumed Both girls should be in their late teens. I stepped aside as deji and james my other housemate were pricing the fish. Deji began toasting the fair girl (fausa). He asked her name. I guess she was shy as she sheepishly said, “Fausa”. Most of their conversations were in Yoruba. But I heard Deji telling her to come back the next day, that they would buy more fish from her. The other girl with chocolate skin was even feeling uncomfortable. I guess she felt rejected that all attention was giving to the other Fair girl, Fausa.
When both girls had left, deji said that he would date that fausa girl, but it was just for s-x. And he is going to dump her after several satisfaction of her s-x, but………

To be continued

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