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Journey to Igbo Irunmole (episode 5)

Journey to igbo-irumole
A story written by ademolar

Episode 5

Five minutes later, every where became dark and noisy we heard a strange sound coming from the east like that of lion..

Me : something is coming,let’s get out of here
We all started running,but everywhere was still dark, I check my watch and it’s 2pm, but everywhere was totally dark, my mind keep telling me there is light after the this very dark edge, I asked everyone to keep running till we get to a place of light..

Then finally we are out of it, but one of us is missing OMG! It’s bola vincent ranted with much anger that can part a bridge,I could feel his pain cus it’s not easy to loose your blood sister to an unknown monster,most expecially when you don’t have the power to save her, we all sympathise with him and for ourselves also, cus we see ourselves as brothers..but deep down inside of me, I know that the reason behind their death is not far fetch, it’s all about s-x..

Finally we set off for the search, we walk for about 3 hours then kola call for a resting time, we sat under a huge strange tree, but we ain’t scared of if cus we already know where we are and monsters are familiar with us, vincent went ahead to sit alone starring at bola’s picture I stood behind him as he soliloquies 

Vincent :bola I could remember when we were young, when I use to scold you for wrong doing, and when our parents died, I always promise to be there for you but I failed..(sobbing) bola I can’t see you anymore, now  staring at your pictures  morning and night has finally took the place of my real bola,it reminds me of those days we spent together at the school ,how we discussed about many things, how we exchanged stuffs and how your calls keep my mind alive,  how the thought of you and our discussions gave me hope and reminded me of who I was,and my place of authority in GOD,how I always long to see and be with you,everything is like yesterday when actually in the real sense its now over 20years.i never believed everything could turn this way,the abadonement and neglect.many times i was down and needed to speak with someone,but you were no where to be found,that was one of the numerous reasons why i find it had to give you enough audience when you wants to join the search but you won’t listen .iron sharpeneth iron,so does a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend. Bola I miss you…(crying) 

Me : hmmm hmmmm(coughs) 
Vincent : benji how are you (he said while he used his left hand to clean his face)

Me : am fine, I have been standing right behind you for the past 20 minutes, but you didn’t notice.I also miss my friend jahrul, I miss him as much as you miss bola, cus we have been together for years,  but what can we do about it, she is gone but I believe she is still with u…you have to take heart and act like the strong man you are, be strong brother…I believe you can do it ( I said tapping him from behind) 

Vincent : ok, thank you ben ,you are such a kind person (he stood up and walk away) 

I stood up and follow him then we heard a loud noise coming from where others gathered..OMG I shouted 
vincent : ben what’s wrong?
Me : I fink something is happening down there,lets go..

We both rush down there but to my greatest surprise what we saw made us dumb for almost 5 minutes 

To be continued  

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