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I Have Sex With Animals Because I Fear Contracting HIV From Women

A 23-year-old Kenyan, Otieno Jalango, has been arrested for having sex with his neighbour’s goat.

According to eDaily, Jalango was caught in the South East Muhuru area in Nyatike Sub-County, Migori County while having sex with the domestic animal.

Upon his arrest, the young man confessed that he regularly engages in sexual activities with animals because he fears to contract HIV/AIDS from ladies.

When he was asked why he had sex with the goat, Jalango allegedly told Muhuru East Location Chief Jim Kawa that, “I have sex with animals because I fear contracting HIV. Animals cannot contract HIV, unlike humans. Sex with animals is, therefore, safer.”

Kawa told the newspaper that Jalango was handed over to him by irate residents who claim they are worried about their livestock following the suspect’s confession.

He added that Jalango had confessed that he had had sex with many animals in the area including sheep, donkeys and dogs.

Chief Kawa said the suspect, who is a casual labourer in the area, is of sound mind and does not have any mental disorder or is he spiritually possessed like the residents suggested.

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